Ibnu Abbas narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "That is the origin of walking between these two mountains."
A Speacial Dream
when Ibrhim migrated from his land and people, he asked ALLAH to grant him a pious son and ALLAH gave him glad tidings of pious son, named Ismail. Ismail was his first-born son, and he was born after Ibrahim had reached the aged of sixty-six years old. when Ismail grew to be fine young boy (13 years old), Ibrahim (99 years old) had a dream that he was being commanded to sacrificed him. he talked to his son, Ismail about this dream.
"Ibrahim said: "O my son! I see in a dream that I offer you in sacrifice, so tell me what is your view?" [Surah al Soffat:102]
but his son was a brave boy and he said to his father
"O my father! Do as you are commanded, you will find me, if ALLAH so wills, one of patient" [Surah al-Soffat:103]
during the preparation, satan (syaitan) tempted Ibrahim and his family by trying to dissuade them from carrying out God's commandment, and Ibrahim and Ismail drove satan away by throwing pebbles at him. In commemoration of their rejection of satan, stones are thrown during Hajj. (Melontar Jamrah)
when both father and son had shown their perfect obedience to ALLAH and they had practically demonstrated their willingness to sacrifice their most precious possessions for His sake - Ibrahim by laying down hsi son Ismail patiently under the knife - ALLAH called out to them stating that his sincere intentions had been accepted, and that he need not carry out the killing of Ismail. instead, Obrahim wa told to replace his on with a ram to sacrifice instead.
ALLAH also told them that they had passed the test imposed upon them by his willingness to carry out God's command.
As a reward for this scrifices. ALLAH granted Ibrahim the good news of the birth of his second son Ishak.
Building The Ka'bah
Ibrahim and his son Ismail were asked to build the House (Ka'bah) and gave them guidance on how they should carry it out. they took stone from nearby hills and started to work.

Ibrahim prayed for this noble land and its inhabitants:
"And when Ibrahim and Ismail raised the foundation of the House, praying: Our God! Accept this from us, surely, You are the All Hearing, All Knowing. Our God! Make us submit to your Will, and raise from our offspring a nation which wil submit to Your Will, and show us the place of our rites (for pilgrimage) and turn to us in mercy."
[Surah al-Baqarah: 127-128]
they also prayed for the prophet to be born from among them, from their own people, who could teach them about ALLAH. their prayer was answered, a prophet was sent to them. His messeges for all people, regardless of the language that they spoke and no matter what colour they were. His name was Muhammad (peace be upon him). Muhammad was from the descendants of Ismail. he was the Seal of all Prophet and the final Messenger from ALLAH to all of humanity.
The First Invitation to Pilgrimage (Hajj)
Ibrahim was ordered by ALLAH to purify the Ka'bah for those who came to worship, and to call people to pilgrimage. today, millions of people come every year to answer to the original call of Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Muhammad saw. since then, all Muslims from every part of the worls are obliged to perform pilgrimage once in a life time provided that their means and health permit them.

i hope that you find this article is very useful for you readers.. thanks for all your support and last but not least
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