Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah
Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu
Brief Biography of IIIrd-Ummul-Mumineen A'isha Siddiqa (RA) Bint Abu Bakr Siddiq (RA)
- Ummul-Mumineen A'isha Siddiqa (RA) was the daughter of Caliph Abu Bakr Siddiq (RA).
- She is popular in the Islamic history as her father.
- She was married to our Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the 10th year of Prophet-Hood when she was at six.
- Her marriage was effected by "Divine Inspiration".
- All the Ummul-Mumineen was widowed before their marriages to Muhammad (pbuh) except A'isha Siddiqa (RA).
- Prophet (pbuh) never thought of marrying another woman as long as Khadijatul-Kubra (RA) was alive.
A'isha Siddiqa (RA) herself reported
that Allah's Apostle said (to me), "You have been shown to me twice in
(my) dreams. A man was carrying you in a silken cloth and said to me,
'This is your wife'. I uncovered it; and behold, it was you. I said to
myself, 'If this dream is from Allah, He will cause it to come true.' "
The initiative of A'isha's (RA) marriage was taken by Khaulah bint
Hakeem, One day after the death of Khadijah (RA) Khaulah came to the
Prophet (pbuh) and asked him to have second marriage. She said that
there are two women, one is widowed and the another is bachelor girl.
The widowed one is Umme-Sauda bint Zama (RA) & bachelor one is
A'isha bint Abu Bakr Sidiq (RA). The Prophet (pbuh) agreed to marry
A'isha (RA). Abu Bakr Siddiq (RA) solemnised the marriage ceremony.
A'isha's (RA) marriage was very simple it is said that her "Mehar"
was 500 Dirhams. Her marriage was consummated after Hijrat to Madina
Munawara when she was at 9 years. She remained with the Prophet (pbuh)
for 9 years. Her marriage is an example for us. We can only avoid the
useless and extravagent traditions which are now existing in our
society. Here a point is very much emphasized that the marriage was
consummated only after the payment of Mehar.
Three important things took place in this marriage as:
- The Arabs never agreed to have marriage in the month of "Shawal". A'isha's (RA) marriage and its consummation took place in the month of "Shawal".
- The Arabs never used to have their marriage with the daughters of their "Adopted Brothers". Abu Bakr Siddiq (RA) was "Adopted Brother" of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) but he was agreed to marry A'isha (RA) as per "Divine Inspiration".
- The Arabs used to burn fire while taking the bride to their home and also there used to be various superstitious traditions etc.
This was not done in A'isha's (RA) marriage.The meaning of "Education" is generally considered to read and write, but this is not so. The real meaning of "Education" is to try to know the things which we don not know. A'isha (RA) was very intelligible and gained knowledge of multifarious problems from Prophet (pbuh). She was the mean of spreading the knowledge of "Quran" and the practices of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). She was very young and therefore she used to pick up everything. She saw and learned form the Prophet (pbuh).
A'isha (RA) imparted knowledge to the famous scholors through her
discourses on the Holy Quran and Hadith. She used to solve and gave
correct answers to the complicated problems of "Fiqah" jurisprudence.
She was far ahead in knowledge. Imam Zahri in "Tabqat Vol.II" says, "A'isha (RA) was the greatest scholor among all the people and very eminent scholors used to enquire from her".
In the opinion of Uru bin Zubair was that he did not find any great
scholor than A'isha (RA) in the knowledge of "Quran", about "Halal &
Harram", poetry, medicine, Arabic History & Genealogy. She was used
to give "Fatwa" during the time of Abu Bakr Siddiq (RA) & Othman
(RA). She narrated about 2210 Hadith of the Prophet (pbuh). These
qualities of A'isha (RA) which made her very dear to the Prophet (pbuh).
The Prophet (pbuh) perfectly trained and educate her in his (pbuh)
A'isha Siddiqa (RA) narrates that there are 9 characteristic
properties in me which were not awarded by Allah (S.T.) to any other
woman except Maryam bint Imran as below:
- Angel Jibrael has brougt my picture wrapped in a green silky cloth and given to the Prophet (pbuh) and said "This is your wife here in this world as well as in hereafter.
- All those women who had married with Prophet (pbuh) were widowed except me.
- The Prophet (pbuh) breathed his last breath on my lap and in my room.
- Sometimes the angels used to come and surrounded my home.
- "Wahi" Revelation used to come to the Holy Prophet (pbuh) when I was sleeping with him (pbuh).
- Allah (S.T.) sent verses in the "Quran" in my favour.
- I am the daughter of the Caliph and Siddiq of the Prophet (pbuh).
- I was born in a very pure and religious family and had the honour to spend my lifetime in the company of the Holy Prophet (pbuh).
- Allah (S.T.) was kind enough to forgive me and rewarded me with the plenty of wealth.
Every member of her family had the honour to be "Sahabi or Sahabia"
i.e. companion of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). To be "Sahabi or Sahabia" is
the greatest honour and opportunity to the human beings.
- The grand father of A'isha (RA) was Abu Khahafa (RA) who was the "Sahabi"
- The father Abu Bakr Siddiq (RA) was the nearest friend & later became Caliph.
- Umme-Rumaan (RA) was her mother was a "Sahabia" and when she was laid down in the grave the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said "Anyone who likes to see a 'Hoor' of Paradise should see Umme-Rumaan (RA)".
- Abdur Rahman (RA) was her brother who was also a "Sahabi".
- Asma bint Abu Bakr (RA) was her sister and who was also a great "Sahabia".
A'isha (RA) was very fond of playing with the dolls and with her
playmates when she was a child. She was also fond of "Swinging". Once
the Prophet (pbuh) came to her house when she was playing with the
dolls. He (pbuh) found a play-horse with beautiful wings. The Prophet
(pbuh) enquired A'isha (RA), "how is this? meaning the horses do not
have wings". She abruptly replied that "Sulaiman (pbuh) had such
horses". The Prophet (pbuh) was very much pleased with her answer.
A'isha (RA) had terrible memory, she used to remember things as she
saw though she was of 8 at the time of Hijrat, but she used to mention
all the details and events of Hijrat. She used remember everything the
Prophet (pbuh) said and whatever Prophet (pbuh) taught. She narrated
about 2210 Hadith. The great and famous scholors and companions of the
Holy Prophet (pbuh) used to approach her for guidance. We are really
proud of our mother A'isha Siddiqa (RA) for contribution in "Fiqah"
specially the problems associated with the women.
Here we quote a few incidents which speak her sagacity and understanding of Islamic concepts in her proper perspectives.
- She advocated the Prophet (pbuh) to accept the "Quitness" of the virgin as "Acceptance" at the time of enquiry when mariage is taken place. Being cute & shy, "The virgin may not open her mouth for accepting the offer of the marriage". This is accepted by the Prophet (pbuh).
- She asked the Prophet (pbuh) as t whom we should prefer in arranging and meeting, the rights of the neighbour?. the Prophet (pbuh) explained that preference be shown to the neighbour whose door is near to yours.
- Once the Prophet (pbuh) vowed not to meet and visit his wives for a month this is known as "Iela". Naturally, A'isha (RA) was feeling very sorry and she was upset and grieved by this separation. She was counting each day anxiously and impartiently. Allah's (ST) messenger came to A'isha's (RA) house, she said to him "O Allah's (ST) messenger you swore that you would visit after a month but now only 29 days have passed. Th Prophet (pbuh) said "The present month is of 29 days". (Bukhari)
Once Amire-Maviya (RA) asked his courtier to tell him as to who was the greatest scholor of that day. He replied, "Amire-Maviya(RA) was the greatest scholor". Again Amire-Maviya (RA) asked him to say by oath. Then he said, "Ummul-Mumineen A'isha Siddiqa (RA)".
Once the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said, "Learn a part of "Deen" from the fair lady i.e. A'isha (RA)".The
scholors says that this part of "Deen" is that pertains to the women.
The Holy Prophet (pbuh) led a very simple life and he (pbuh) liked and
desired that the "Ummul-Mumineen" should be perfect models. He (pbuh)
paid special attention in teaching to A'isha (RA) as she was very young
and extraordinarily intelligent with sharp memory.
She used to live with the Holy Prophet (pbuh) in a the small room which was adjacent to the mosque. This room was about 2 to 2.5 Mts. long. The walls were of mud. The roof was of dried 2 leaves of the palm tree and about 1.5 Mts. high. A blanket used to hang as a curtain. She had a cot, a stool and a pillow which were filled with the coir. She also had two pots which were meant to store "Dates" and other provisions but they were often remained empty. If at all they were full at any time she never hesitate to give all this in charity. She said very often she did not even have the oil to lit the lamp. After the conquerrance of "Khaiber" she was granted some pension but she used to give it in charity within a short time. She used to get many presentations and gifts from the companions but as per her nature and habit she never kept them with her but gave them to the needy and poor. She used to do all these things as she had heard from the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and She (RA) saying that: "O Allah (S.T.) make me live as a "Miskeen" i.e. very poor who always is in need of help" and give me death while as "Miskeen".
She used to live with the Holy Prophet (pbuh) in a the small room which was adjacent to the mosque. This room was about 2 to 2.5 Mts. long. The walls were of mud. The roof was of dried 2 leaves of the palm tree and about 1.5 Mts. high. A blanket used to hang as a curtain. She had a cot, a stool and a pillow which were filled with the coir. She also had two pots which were meant to store "Dates" and other provisions but they were often remained empty. If at all they were full at any time she never hesitate to give all this in charity. She said very often she did not even have the oil to lit the lamp. After the conquerrance of "Khaiber" she was granted some pension but she used to give it in charity within a short time. She used to get many presentations and gifts from the companions but as per her nature and habit she never kept them with her but gave them to the needy and poor. She used to do all these things as she had heard from the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and She (RA) saying that: "O Allah (S.T.) make me live as a "Miskeen" i.e. very poor who always is in need of help" and give me death while as "Miskeen".
I may getup at the day of resurrection along with the "Masakeen". When she died there was nothing in her house which can be considered as wealth. It is said that she used to take loans to meet the needs of the poor people when people asked her as to why she took loans for others. She replied that "If someone has sincere intention to pay back the loan then Allah (S.T.) helps him and provides funds".
Once Amire-Maviya (RA) had sent one lakh (1,00,000) Dirhams from
Syria. She gave all this money before the night came. Imagine, how huge
is this amount may be it's value near about a Billion Dollar now. The
maid servant reminded her that she (RA) did not keep anything even to
purchase things to "Break the Fast". A'isha (RA) told her why did not
tell this earlier.
Once she was observing Fast, a beggar came and asked for "Bread" A'isha (RA) asked the maid servant to give the bread which was meant for her "Breaking the Fast". In the evening there came plenty of "Meat & Bread" as a gift. A'isha (RA) asked the maid servant if that was not a better gift than the bread.
Once she was observing Fast, a beggar came and asked for "Bread" A'isha (RA) asked the maid servant to give the bread which was meant for her "Breaking the Fast". In the evening there came plenty of "Meat & Bread" as a gift. A'isha (RA) asked the maid servant if that was not a better gift than the bread.
- Umar (RA) used to give 10,000 Dirhams to al the Ummul-Momineen but he used to give 12,000 Dirhams to A'isha Siddiqa (RA).
- Abdullah bin Zubair (RA) wo was her nephew also, used to give huge amount of Dirhams to her but she used to spend them all in charity and helping the needy person and it is reported that on the same day she had to starve.
The Holy Prophet (pbuh) used to show gestures to please A'isha (RA).
He (pbuh) once asked A'isha (RA) to take up a race on foot. First time
A'isha (RA) won the race because of her light body constitution but the
secnd time he (pbuh) won the race as she was a little bit heavy. The
Prophet (pbuh) said "now the competition is settled", first she won and
then he (pbuh) won.
The Holy Prophet (pbuh) & A'isha Siddiqa (RA) was very often used
to eat from the same plate and drink from the same pot. Once the
Prophet (pbuh) told her that he (pbuh) knew at once whenever she was an
angry with him. She enquired "How?" Muhammad (pbuh) said that when she
was pleased with him she would invoke by saying "By Muhammad's (pbuh)
Allah" but when she was an angry with him would say, "By Ibrahim's
(pbuh) Allah".
Thus our beloved Prophet (pbuh) had set a perfect example for mankind to follow.
- Even though he (pbuh) used to spend his time with A'isha (RA), this did not distract his attention or did not lessen his endeavour towards the main object i.e. the path of Allah (S.T.).
- The Holy Prophet (pbuh) used to spend his time with A'isha (RA) in talking & playing, he used to stand up & walked off for prayers as soon as he heard the "Azaan" as if he had nothing to do with her.
I stuffed for the Prophet a pillow
decorated with pictures (of animals) which looked like a Namruqa (i.e. a
small cushion). He came and stood among the people with excitement
apparent on his face. I said, "O Allah's Apostle! What is wrong?" He
said, "What is this pillow?" I said, "I have prepared this pillow for
you, so that you may recline on it." He said, "Don't you know that
angels do not enter a house wherein there are pictures; and whoever
makes a picture will be punished on the Day of Resurrection and will be
asked to give life to (what he has created)?" (Bukhari).
A'isha's (RA) love and devotion to Muhammad (pbuh) and his cause made
her excel over his other wives in many ways. Abu Musa reported Allah's
(ST) Messenger as saying, "A'isha's (RA) superiority over the other women is like the superiority of "Tharid (a food)" over other foods.
A'isha (RA) led a very simple life as was desired & taught by the
Holy Prophet (pbuh) though she had a maid servant in her house, she
used to do the work herself. She used to grind and make paste of flour,
cook food and prepare for his (pbuh). She used to comb and scented
though the use of gold and silk is permissible for woman in Islam.
Muhammad (pbh) did not like the members of his family to wear the
"Gold". Once A'isha (RA) wore gold bangles and he (pbuh) said "Shall I
tell you a better plan?", take off these bangles and got two silver
bangles and put safforn colour on them i.e. "Nasai".
A'isha (RA) narrated that on one of the Prophet's (pbuh) journey she was with the Holy Prophet (pbuh) along with the other companions.
A'isha (RA) narrated that on one of the Prophet's (pbuh) journey she was with the Holy Prophet (pbuh) along with the other companions.
They had
to stay at "Al-Baida" where her necklace got broken and fell off. So,
Allah's (ST) Messenger asked the companions to search for it. There was
no water at that place. After a long search also they could not find out
the necklace.
The people reported the matter to Abu Bakr Siddiq (RA) that due to
A'isha (RA) they were detained at that place where there was no water
for ablution and the time for the dawn prayer was getting exhausted.
Abu Bakr Siddiq (RA) then went to the tent of A'isha (RA) where Prophet
(pbuh) was asleep with his head on her thigh. He (RA) was angry and
admonished his daughter for this.
However the Prophet (pbuh) got up for
the prayer. Then Allah (S.T.) revealed the divine verse of "Tayyammum"
(dry ablution). Everybody performed "Tayyammum" and offered the prayer.
The famous and eminent companion Usaid bin Huddair said "O family of Abu
Bakr (RA)! This is not the first blessing of yours". Abu Bakr (RA) was
very much pleased having heard the above verses of "Tayyammum". This is
really a gift of Allah (S.T.) to the whole "Ummah".
The deep and true love between the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and A'isha (RA)
was comented as their marriage was based on spritual power and on
Allah's (ST) Will.
The incident of "Slander" which is knows as "Ifik" is very famous which
the 'Munafiqeen' took up to defame the mother of the believers: A'isha
Siddiqa (RA) herself narrates: "Whenever the Holy Prophet (pbuh) went
out on a journey, he (pbuh) decided by lots as to which of his wives
would accompany him (pbuh).
Accordingly, it was turn to accompany him
(pbuh) during the expedition to "Banu Mustelaq" on the return juourney,
the Holy Prophet (pbuh) halted for the night which was the last stage to
Madina Munawara.
After taking rest when still it was night they began to make
preparations for the departure. So, I went outside the camp to ease
myself. When I returned and I was about to reach my camp then I noticed
that my necklace had fallen down somewhere. I went back in search of it,
but in the meantime, the caravan moved off and I was left behind all
The four carriers of the litter had placed it on my camel without
noticing that it was an empty because of my light weight which was due
to lack of food in those days.
I wrapped myself in my sheet and lay down
in the hope that when they did not find me, they would send search
party to pick me up. In the meantime, I feel asleep. In the morning when
Safwan bin Muttal passed that way, he recognized me for he had seen me
several times before the commandment about "Purdah" was sent down. No
sooner did he see me then he stopped his camel and cried out
spontaneously, "How sad! The wife of Holy Prophet (pbuh) has been left
here". As this I uttering another word. I climbed the camel which was
with Safwan bin Muattal. He led the camel and we reached at about noon
and took the caravan. Nobody had noticed that I had been left behind.
Afterwards I came to know that this incident had been used to slander
Abdullah bin Ubey was the foremost among the slanderers. When I reached
Madina I felt ill and stayed in bed for more than a month.
I was quite
unaware of the events that were taking place. The news of slander was
spreading like a scandal, in the city and had also reached the Holy
Prophet (pbuh). I noticed that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) was not so keen
and concerned about my illness as he used to be. He would come but
without addressing me directly. He (pbuh) would enquire from others
about my health and leave the house. Therefore it troubled my mind that
something had gone wrong somewhere. So, I took leave of him and went to
my mother's house for better nursing.
While I was there, one night I went out to ease myself in the company of
Mistab's mother who was a first cousin of my father. As she was
walking, she stumbled over something and cried out spontaneously, "May
Mistab perish!" to this I retorted, what a good mother you are that you
curse your own son", the son who took part in "Badar" battle. She
replied, "My dear daughter, are you not aware of his scandel-Mongering?
Then she told me everything about the campaign of slander.
Hearing this horrible story, my blood curdled and I immediately returned
home and passed the rest of the night by crying over it. During my
absence, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) took counsel with Ali bin Talib (RA)
& Usamah bin Zaid (RA) about this matter. Usamah (RA) said good
words about me to this effect. Ali bin Talib (RA) told to the Prophet
(pbuh) that "There was no dearth of women and if you liked he(pbuh)
could marry another woman, he further said if you would like to further
investigate the matter send for her maid servant and enquire.
On enquiry, the maid servant replied, " I declare on oath that (By Allah
(S.T.) who was sent you with the Truth that I have never seen any evil
thing in her, except that she falls asleep when I asked her to look
after the kneaded dough in my absence the goat comes and eat.
This slander caused me great agony, and distress. I used to cry day
& night. My parents were sicked with mental agony. At last, one day
the Holy Prophet (pbuh) visited us and he (pbuh) sat near me, which he
(pbuh) had not done since the slanderness started. My parents were also
near us. The Prophet (pbuh) told me "A'isha (RA)! if you are
innocent, I expect that Allah (S.T.) will declare it, but if you have
committed a sin, you should offer repentance and ask for Allah's (ST)
forgiveness. When a servant of Allah (S.T.) confesses his guilt and
repents, Allah (S.T.) forgives him".
By hearing these words, the tears dried in my eyes, I looked up to my
father expecting that he would reply to the Holy Prophet (pbuh) but he
said "Daughter, I do not know what I should say".
The same thing was
from my mother also. I said that you have all heard something about me
and believed it.
Now if I say that "I am innocent" you will not beleive me and if I
confess something which I never did it. At that time I tried to call to
my memory the name of Prophet Yakub (pbuh) but could not recall it. I
said "I cannot but repeat words which the father of Prophet Yousuf
(pbuh) had spoken.
I will bear this patiently with good grace". By saying this I lay down
and turned to the other side but in the meantime, suddenly the state of
receiving Revelation appeared on the Prophet (pbuh). When pearl like
drops of sweat used to gather on his (pbuh) face even in severe winter
weather. We all held our breath and sat silent.
As for me I was fearless
but my parents seemed to be fear striken. When the Revelation was over
the Prophet (pbuh) was very much pleased over. Joyed with happiness the
first words he spoke were, "Congratulations A'isha Siddiqa (RA)!
Allah (S.T.) sent down proof of your innocence" and then he (pbuh)
recited the ten verses of (Surah 24 "An-Noor", Ayahs 11-21)".So, I
like to mention atleat 2 Ayahs because this occur became a law against
the blame on an innocent woman. If anyone fail to present four witnesses
then he will be punished because of false blame.

Why did they not bring four witnesses to prove it? When they have not brought the witnesses such men in the sight of Allah (stand forth) themselves as liars!

And why did ye not when ye heard it say "It is not right of us to speak of this: Glory to Allah! this is a most serious slander!"
At this, my mother said to me "Get up and thank the Prophet (pbuh)", I
said "I shall neither thank him (pbuh) nor you too but thank to Allah
(S.T.) who has sent down my absolution, even you did not contradict the
charge against me".
Why did they not bring four witnesses to prove it? When they have not brought the witnesses such men in the sight of Allah (stand forth) themselves as liars!

And why did ye not when ye heard it say "It is not right of us to speak of this: Glory to Allah! this is a most serious slander!"
(Surah 24 "An-Noor", Ayahs 11-21)
The incident of slander has been taken from various books of Hadith and Encyclopedia of "Seerah".
The hypocrites took up mean and immoral tactices to dishonour the Prophet (pbuh) & his (pbuh) household. Allah (S.T.) defeated all their designs & plans. A'isha's Siddiqa (RA) stature and character as a great honoured and dignified lady and as a mother of the Believers.
Ummul-Mumineen A'isha Siddiqa (RA) died on 17th Ramadan-ul-Mubarak in 58 Hijri at the age of 66 years. Abu Huraira (RA) performed her funeral prayer and she was burried in "Jannatul-Baqi" (Graveyard).